Lattice of exponential modalities
An exponential modality is an arbitrary (possibly empty) sequence of the two exponential connectives and . It can be considered itself as a unary connective. This leads to the notation μA for applying an exponential modality μ to a formula A.
There is a preorder relation on exponential modalities defined by if and only if for any formula A we have . It induces an equivalence relation on exponential modalities by μ˜ν if and only if and .
For any formula A, and .
Lemma (Functoriality)
If A and B are two formulas such that then, for any exponential modality μ, .
For any formula A, and .
For any formula A, and .
This allows to prove that any exponential modality is equivalent to one of the following seven modalities: (the empty modality), , , , , or . Indeed any sequence of consecutive or in a modality can be simplified into only one occurrence, and then any alternating sequence of length at least four can be simplified into a smaller one.
Proof. We obtain by functoriality from (and similarly for ). From , we deduce by functoriality and (with ). In a similar way we have and .
The order relation induced on equivalence classes of exponential modalities with respect to ˜ can be proved to be the one represented on the picture in the top of this page. All the represented relations are valid.
Proof. We have already seen and . By functoriality we deduce and by we deduce .
The others are obtained from these ones by duality: entails .
If α is an atom, and
We can prove that no other relation between classes is true (by relying on the previous lemma).
Proof. From the lemma and , we have .
Then cannot be smaller than any other of the seven modalities (since they are all smaller than or ). For the same reason, cannot be smaller than , , or . This entails that is only smaller than since it is not smaller than (by duality from not smaller than ).
From these, and , we deduce that no other relation is possible.
The order relation on equivalence classes of exponential modalities is a lattice.